Japan Sinks 2020 (Netflix Original Anime Series Soundtrack)
Popularity: 30
- days
- earthquake i
- eruption
- a shelter
- senpai
- short break
- dad i
- dad ii
- death itself
- nice weather day
- fatal collapse
- earthquake ii
- the way we were
- long for you
- prayer
- kite
- professional work
- enemy here
- conflict
- mari i
- shang-city
- avenue fighter V
- primitive myth
- in a dream
- dark sea
- warm up
- reprise -based on "CREEK"-
- mari ii
- last moments
- attack of legends theme
- days gone by
- I'm here with you.
- drifters
- mommy
- most valuable player
- get over
- ayumu i
- is that it?
- ayumu ii
- rising suns -theme from JAPAN SINKS 2020-
- rising suns, again