Messiah - G.F. Handel, arr. W. A. Mozart
Popularity: 14
- Part One: Overture (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Allegro moderato (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Recitative "Comfort ye" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Aria "Every Valley" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Chorus "And the Glory of the Lord" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Recitative "Thus saith the Lord" (Bass) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Aria "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion" (Alto) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Chorus "And He shall purify" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Recitative "Behold! A Virgin" (Alto) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Aria "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion" (Alto) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Recitative "For behold darkness shall cover the earth" (Bass) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Aria "The people that walked in darkness" (Bass) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Chorus "For unto us a Child is born" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Pastoral Symphony / Recitative "There were shepherds" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Accompagnato "And lo!, the Angel" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Recitative "And the Angel said unto them" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Accompagnato "And suddenly there was with the Angel" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Chorus "Glory to God" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Aria "Rejoice greatly" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Recitative "Then shall the eyes of the blind" (Alto) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Aria "He shall feed His flock" / "Come unto Him" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part One: Chorus "His yoke is easy" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "Behold the Lamb of God" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Aria "He was despised" (Alto) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "Surely, He hath borne our griefs" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "And with His Stripes" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "All we like sheep have gone astray" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Recitative "All they that see Him" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "He trusted in God" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Recitative "Thy rebuke hath broken His heart" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Aria "Behold, and see" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Recitative "He was cut off" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Aria "But Thou dudst not leave" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "Lift up your heads" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "The Lord gave the Word" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Aria "How beautiful are the feet of them" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Aria "Why do the nations" (Bass) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "Let us break their bonds asunder" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Recitative "He that dwelleth in Heaven" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Aria "Thou shalt break them" (Tenor) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Two: Chorus "Hallelujah!" (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Three: Aria "I know that my Redeemer liveth" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Three: Chorus "Since by man came death" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Three: Recitative "Behold, I tell you a mystery" (Bass) (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Three: Aria "The trumpet shall sound" (Bass) (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Three: Chorus "Worthy is the Lamb" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)
- Part Three: Chorus "Amen" (Soprano) (Handel / Mozart)