Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro
Popularity: 8
- Mirella Freni
- José van Dam
- Frederica von Stade
- Wiener Philharmoniker
- Herbert von Karajan
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- The Marriage of Figaro: Overture
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Cingue...dieci...venti" (Figaro, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Se a caso Madama" (Figaro, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Bravo, signor padrone!...Se vuol ballare" (Figaro)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Ed aspettaste il giorno...La vendetta" (Bartolo, Marcellina)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Tutto ancor no ho perso" (Marcellina, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Va'là, vecchia pedante" (Susanna, Cherubino)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio (Cherubino)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Ah, son perduto!" (Cherubino, Count, Susanna, Basilio)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Cosa sento!" (Count, Susanna, Basilio, Cherubino)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Giovani liete, fiori, spargete (Chorus, Count, Figaro, Susanna, Basilio, Cherubino)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act I, "Non più andrai" (Figaro)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Porgi, amor" (Countess0
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Vieni, cara Susanna" (Countess, Susanna, Figaro, Cherubino)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Voi che sapete" (Cherubino)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Bravo! Che bella voce!" (Countess, Susanna, Cherubino)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Quante buffonerie!" (Countess, Susanna, Cherubino, Count)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Susanna, or via, sortite" (Count, Countess, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Aprite, presto, aprite" (Susanna, Cherubino, Count, Countess)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Esci ormai" (Count, Countess)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Signore, cos'è quel stupore?" (Susanna, Count, Countess)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Signori, di fuori son già i suonatori" (Figaro, Count, Countess, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, "Signore, signor..." (Antonio, Count, Countess, Figaro, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act II, Voi, signor, che giusto siete (Marcellina, Bartolo, Basilio, Count, Countess, Figaro, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Che imbrazzo è mai questo!" (Count, Countess, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Crude! Perchè finora" (Count, Susanna, Figaro)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Hai già vinta la cuase! (Count)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, E Susanna non vien! (Countess)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Dove sono" (Countess)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "È decisa la lite" (Don Curzio, Marcellina, Figaro, Count, Bartolo)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Riconosci in questo amplesso" (Marcellina, Figaro, Bartolo, Don Curzio, Count, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Io vi dico, signor...Che soave zeffiretto (Count, Antonio, Countess, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Ricevete, o padroncina" (Chorus, Barbarina, Countess, Susanna, Count, Antonio, Figaro)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Ecco la marcia (Figaro, Susanna, Count, Countess)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act III, "Amanti costanti" (Barbarina, Cherubino, Chorus, Count, Figaro)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "L'ho perduta" (Barbarina, Figaro, Marcellina)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "Nel padiglione a manca" (Barbarina, Figaro, Basilio, Bartolo)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "Tutto è disposto...Aprite un po' quegli occhi (Figaro)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "Signora, ella mi disse" (Susanna, Marcellina, Countess, Figaro)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "Deh vieni, non tardar" (Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "Perfida, e in quella forma meco mentia?" (Figaro, Countess, Cherubino, Count, Susanna)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "Partito è alfin l'audace" (Count, Countess, Figaro, Susanna))
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "Tutto è tranquillo e placido" (Figaro, Susan)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Act IV, "Pace pace, mio dolce tesoro" (Figaro, Susanna, Count, Basilio, Antonio, Cherubino, Barbarina, Marcellina)
- The Marriage of Figaro: Part IV, "Contessa, perdono" (Count, Countess, Ensemble)